About us

Karadeniz Press is both an independent and non-partisan news agency, as well as a geostrategic analysis hub that aims to be a resource of expertise, a crucible of ideas and a dialogue platform for decision-makers, analysts, journalists, students in the field of international relations and security and defense studies, as well as for all citizens interested in developments in the Greater Black Sea Region, to help them better understand the economic, political and security realities they face run the states in the region .
We are a young team and constantly looking for new colleagues, journalists, analysts and students passionate about international relations and security and defense studies from the Black Sea riparian states and beyond, which aims to provide quality analysis, interviews and news , balanced and equidistant.

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Our team

Popescu Paul

He is a graduate of the undergraduate studies in the field of Political Sciences from the Faculty of Political Sciences, respectively of the master’s studies in the field of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, from the Department of International Relations and European Integration, National School of Political and Administrative Studies. He is currently working within the UN Fellowship Program – International peace and security.

Ionut Georgescu

He is a graduate of the bachelor’s studies in the field of International Relations and European Studies from the Faculty of European Studies, respectively of the master’s studies in the field of Security Management in Contemporary Society, from the Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj Napoca. He is currently working within the OSCE Internship Programme.

Dragos George

He is a graduate of bachelor’s studies in the field of sociology, respectively of master’s studies in the field of Security Studies/Information Analysis from the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest. He is currently taking master’s courses in the field of Intelligence and Security Studies at Brunel University London in Great Britain.

Anca Ionescu

He is a graduate of bachelor’s studies in the field of international relations and European studies from the Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, respectively of master’s studies in the field of European studies from the Center of European Studies, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi. He is currently a Junior Professionals in Delegation Program within the European External Action Service.

Mihai Isac

He is a graduate of the undergraduate studies in the field of Administrative Sciences at the Faculty of Public Administration of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, having also a degree in the field of Political Sciences from the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Bucharest. With an activity of almost two decades in the mass media in Romania, he is currently a senior editor in the editorial office of the KARADENIZ PRESS press agency and a permanent guest in the weekly foreign policy show Global Impact of TVR Moldova from Chisinau. He regularly collaborates with mass media from Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Italy, Serbia, Spain as a political analyst.

Ionuț Constantin

He is a graduate of the Bachelor’s studies in the field of Political Sciences, respectively of the Master’s studies specializing in the History and Civilization of the Black Sea and the Danube in Antiquity and the Middle Ages from the Faculty of History and Political Sciences of the “Ovidius” University in Constanța. Since 2011, he is a doctor in the field of History, a title obtained within the Doctoral School of this faculty, with the thesis Historical Developments in Central Asia. Romania’s policy towards the states in the region (1991-2007). Mr. Ionuț Constantin also completed his undergraduate studies in the field of Theology at the Faculty of History and Political Sciences of the “Ovidius” University, also following the Course in the field of International Relations at the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, Bucharest, (2008). He was an Associate Lecturer at the Faculty of History and Political Sciences of the “Ovidius” Constanța University (2011-2012), publishing articles, studies and books on the geopolitics of the Eurasian and post-Soviet space. Among the published books we mention: Geopolitical developments in Central Asia. Romania’s policy towards the states in the region (1991-2007), Top Form Publishing House, Univers Scientific Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011; Russia. The Eurasian paradigm. Between theory and geopolitical realities, Top Form Publishing House, Bucharest, 2014; New geopolitical developments in Central Asia. Romania’s relations with the states in the region

(1991-2015), Editura Top Form, București, 2016.

Marius Mitrache

He is a graduate of bachelor’s and master’s studies at the Faculty of European Studies of Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj. He holds a PhD in Political Science from Paris-Est University and a PhD in International Relations and European Studies from Babeș-Bolyai University. He teaches seminars on Diplomacy and Foreign Policy at the West University in Timișoara, being also an associate professor at the Faculty of European Studies at the Babeș-Bolyai University, where he teaches Theory of International Relations. It regularly publishes articles and studies on French foreign policy, its impact in different regions of the world, but also the history of relations between France and these regions in different historical periods.

Ihor Lubianov

He is a graduate of bachelor’s and master’s studies at the Institute of Foreign Philology of the State University of Kherson (Ukraine). He holds a doctorate in Romance Linguistics from the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi. Periodically publishes articles and studies on Ukrainian and foreign policy, Ukraine’s relations with other countries, Ukrainian history, but also several aspects of modern Ukrainian society in Ukrainian newspapers and magazines and abroad (Romania, Poland, etc.). He knows English, French, German, Italian, Romanian and Polish

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Andreea Adam

He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Security Studies at the Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu, where he is currently continuing his master’s studies in Security and International Relations. Over time, he participated in three study mobilities at universities in Turkey and Germany. Professionally, he worked as an adviser in a parliamentary office in Romania and was involved in the activities of the Center for Global Studies, publishing several analyzes and articles.

Cristian Negrea

He is a graduate of undergraduate studies in polytechnics and economic sciences at “Babeș Bolyai” University in Cluj Napoca, and of master’s studies in the field of Security Management in Contemporary Society at the Faculty of History and Philosophy of “Babeș Bolyai” University in Cluj Napoca . Author of the first techno-thriller novels in Romanian literature plus numerous articles on historical and geopolitical topics.

Vlad Farcas

He is a graduate of the Security Studies undergraduate program, offered by the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj. He decided to deepen his knowledge in the field of economics by pursuing another degree program offered by the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Management, specializing in Economics and International Business. He also continued his studies at master’s level in the Faculty of European Studies with a program in European Affairs and Program Management. He works for Babeș-Bolyai University in a department that deals with the implementation of projects funded at the national and European level. These projects focus on non-conventional learning activities and lifelong learning.

Alexandru Gorea

He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and European Studies at the Faculty of History and Geography of “Ștefan cel Mare” University. He is currently a master’s student majoring in European Security at the Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Sciences and Communication Sciences of the University of Oradea. He worked in the field of European funds.

Cosmin Gabriel Păcuraru

Cosmin Gabriel Păcuraru, an engineer by profession, is a consultant on energy issues. He has a doctorate in “International Relations and European Studies” at Babeș – Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca with a thesis on Romania’s energy security. (2013) He is the author of the books “Romania – Energy and Geopolitics” (2018) and “Energy – a national security problem” (2022), as well as numerous scientific articles in the field of security and energy policies in national and international specialized publications . Until 2008, he worked in the media and was a trainer and consultant on media issues in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

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